Thursday, September 9, 2010

Getting there

So as time went on I finally got some great news. My daughters audiologist had mentioned a cochlear implant and I asked her what that was. It is a device that is medically implanted behind the childs ear and has an outerpiece which just bypasses the damaged parts of her ear and sends sound waves direcly to her brain. I was amazed. I couldn't wait to get more information on this. I did so much research on it that I was going back over research that I had already gone over. By this time I knew that this is what I wanted for my daughter. But I was faced with a many questions like. If I did this for her would she be mad at me when she got older. What if she gets really sick? What if it doesnt work? What if she doesn't like it when she figures out what it is. But I took the steps and decided to do all the necessary steps in order for her to get one. I wanted my daughter to hear like everyone else. I didn't want her to feel left out in the hearing world. So we got the news she was going to get the surgery.