Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A new language

Toddlers are very busy exploring new things everyday and always getting into everything because they are curious so, of course my daughter was curious as to what these things were in her ear. So continuously I had to deal with her throwing them across the room and handing them to me. I had eventually enrolled her into a wonderful program through our local education offices because I figured maybe this woudl be good for her and our family to gain some more knowledge on this. They offered her a speech and hearing therapist and lucky for me her hearing therapist daughter was deaf so she I was hoping to gain a lot of knowledgable information from her and I did. She had said something to me that I never ever thought I would her in my lifetime. She said that the reason kids don't wanna wear hearing aids is because they are not gaining any benefit from them and it was time to learn sign language. So I took them up on the offer and started to learn it with my daughter. After learning this and holding classes at my families home I would only get the best news that a mother wants to hear.

First Audiologist Appt.

I knew the first step had to be taken so I scheduled an appointment with a local audiologist and we got the news that our daughter was profoundly deaf. For her to go this long without hearing anything at all was just devastating to me. But they were really good to her and its very hard to understand any of that medical stuff and since I never been through it before they really helped me a lot. They had fit her for hearing aids and children that are a year old we all know how busy they are so this was quite interesting. They had a different variety of colors and sparkles for the ear molds so I wanted her to have the ones that sparkles. Her ears were so tiny then and it was scary that I had to put something in them like that and of course she didnt like it. so what do you do when your kid wont leave her hearing aids in?

First Year

Time went by and eventually the thoughts of my daughter not beingable to hear had gotten to the point where there were days I wouldnt think about it but then something would happen to make me start thinking about it again and, by the time her first year birthday got around here I knew something was wrong. Most children by this age are starting to say simple words like Mama, DaDa, Ball, and she wasnt saying any of these words and I remember having her birthday party and she just stared at us with a blank look in her face while we sang happy birthday to her and by this time I knew that I had to get her in with someone. so for the next many months my life became very chaotic