Wednesday, September 15, 2010


We had gotten everything ready for the surgery because the it was quite the drive for us. She was getting the surgery done at Childrens hospital in Pittsburgh I chose that hospital because they are very well known for what they do and I trusted them with my child. So we drove the three hours to get there and settled into our hotel room for the night and I didn't sleep much that night because I was scared. The next day came and we had to get up early and got to the hospital and what seemed like it took forever was the preparation for the surgery. It felt like an eternity to me. I remember as the nurse came out and took her from me my daughter was in tears going back to the operating room and I was trying not to let her see me cry but, after she went back I just broke down. My daughter was in surgery for about four hours and I didnt quite know exactly what to expect when she was done. I got the call that she was done and I was never so glad to see her. When I had first seen her she had a bandage on her head and I expected it to be a lot worse than it was but the surgeon did a really nice job and today that scar is barely visible behind her ear. We headed up to the room because she had to stay overnight for observation and then the next day she would be free to go home. The wait for this device to be turned on is about six weeks so she only had six more weeks of silence to go and the excitement was growing. What will happen now?

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